Monday, August 20, 2007

It's That Time!

So I thought I'd take a look and see how I've progressed over the summer. I started this blog at the end of June, and now that we're coming up to the end of August, I figured I should see some improvements. In some areas, I'm very pleased. In other areas, I'm quite pissed at myself and see where I need to push the intensity up. Here's a recap of my earliest recorded weight for an exercise and what I'm doing presently.

50lbs/hand Present: 50lbs/hand
This is embarrassing. In over two months I'm STILL at 50 lbs? Not only that, but I've been letting myself off with just "doing 30" instead of 40 reps. Not any more.

Earliest: 90lbs Full Bar Present: 90lbs Full Bar

I remember thinking that moving from 75 to 90 was a big deal, and it was. But I've been at 90 for way too long. Time to break the 100 mark going forward.

Straight Arm Pulldowns
65lbs Present: 75lbs
Yeah, I've definately noticed extra strength and definition in my triceps. Just started on 75 lbs, so we'll see how long until I graduate up to 80.

200 lbs Present: 230 lbs
My legs are definately my strongest assets, and I'm very happy with how they've developed on all facets. Increasing 30 lbs in 2 months is fantastic, and I definately notice it when biking.

Leg Pres
Earliest: 290 lbs
Present: 310 lbs
Same as above...great improvement for a very heavy exercise.

200 lbs Present: 230 lbs
I am NOT a fan of the hamstring machine at the gym, but obviously things are working out properly. Great improvement.

Chest Press
30 lbs/hand Present: 30 lbs/hand
I've only started doing this one within the last month I'd say, but that's no reason why I shouldn't be going heavier.

Front Plate
35 lbs Present: 45 lbs
I've been doing 45 lbs for a long time though...time to move up...although I'm not sure that they HAVE heavier plates at the Y...might need to find an alternate exercise or trade up one front plate for two barbells.

Bicep Curls
30 lbs Present: 35 lbs
This one I'm not as worried about, as I was trying a bunch of different ways to perform the bicep-curl exercise (sitting, standing, full bar, hammer-curls, etc.). I finally got some great advice from a guy at the gym, and doing 35 lbs the right way is still pretty we'll keep that weight for a bit.

So to recap, here are the new weights for all my exercises for now until the end of September...then we'll review again:

Shoulders: 55 lbs / hand
Bench: 100 lbs Full Bar
SAPD: 75 lbs
Quads: 230 lbs
Hamstrings: 230 lbs
Leg Press: 315 lbs (gonna increase 5)
Chest Press: 35 lbs / hand
Front Plate: 50 lbs
Bicep Curls: 35 lbs / hand


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