Monday, July 23, 2007

Monday, July 23rd

Evening workout...

10 min Treadmill @ 3.9 (no elevation...I find I get just as good a cardio workout)

30 @ 35 lbs/hand Bicep Curls
30 @ 40 lbs /hand Seated Military Press
40 @ 50 lbs /hand Shoulder Shrugs
30 @ 150 lbs Hamstring Press (machine)
40 @ 305 lbs Leg Press

I'm not sure if its because I think I'm coming down with a sinus cold, or that doing the treadmill affects me differently than doing the bike, but by the time I was in my second set of Military Press (I did the weights in order, after the treadmill) I was sweating like crazy (it is really humid right now, but this wasn't just the temperature), my heart was racing, and I was getting a headache. So after the leg-presses (which my body wasn't too happy about considering yesterday's bike ride), I called it a night. I'm going to go tomorrow morning with my wife and workout, so I'll cover the other weight exercises that I missed tonight.


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